Tuesday, January 31, 2012

personal statement

I am not the people and places I grew up with, though I adapt to them, i strive to be even just a little bit different. To be my own person with my own unique identity.

I was extremely silent and odd as a child. I would keep to myself, read story books kids my age did not even think of reading for example Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, play alone in the garden, chat with the plants, animals and even to the rocks! and I must confess, I would dig up all sorts of insects from the ground just to cut them in half to see what was in them. The television was never a distraction to me because I found it more of a luxury than a necessity. Moreover, I did not like sitting at one place for hours, I loved the outdoors, the experience of being outdoors made me feel free.

Unfortunately, not everyone can have the same wants, needs curiosity and personality as they grow up. Although I still have many of the same qualities I had as a child, my experience feels somehow incomplete. I can’t help but feel that I am stuck in that murky place between where dreams are conceived and dreams are realized. Let me explain:

My parents got a divorce when I was fifteen. The constant fights that they had before the divorce, during and after it changed me into from a carefree, happy-go-lucky person into an emotional wreck. I became self- destructive and no longer cared about my education and social life. I just wanted to be left alone in my depth of despair. Somehow, I managed to pull through and got myself out of that deep black hole and learned to smile, laugh, hope, believe and make friends again thru Karate and athletics. I finally started to believe and trust in God and people around me.

My mother remarried when I was sixteen to a very , very agreeable younger man. My sisters absolutely adore him and the feeling is reciprocated. Even though he cannot and will never be able to be a father to me as I am too old and he is too young for me to be looked at as his daughter, I like having him around. He makes my mum and sisters happy and that is good enough for me. Furthermore, its nice to see his bald and shiny head around, it reminds me to be thankful that I am blessed with a head of hair.

It took me a lot of self – motivation, poetry and food to get me out of my depressed state. The result was every girls’ nightmare, a fatter and frowny image. I realised that no matter what happens, we need to stay optimistic, strong and never give up on ourselves.

Spending the next two years at Fairview would help me distinguish myself as an individual. I love the fact that the IBDP pushes us to be the very best that we can, and encourages us to be open- minded,  think critically and creatively and to apply what we learn outside of the classroom.  I believe it is the perfect education for me, as it would enhance my sense of independence, security, broaden my horizons and expose myself to the many cultures of the world. In return, I hope I could help the world in any way I could.

Having said that and with a restless spirit and a fierce eagerness to learn, I believe I would be a great asset to Fairview International for this program. If accepted, I plan to pursue my education with a new kind of passion, one that becomes stronger for me every day: the passion for independence.


This is my personal statement to college I just thought I’d share it just incase if anyone wants an example of a personal statement. Do not reuse, copy and paste and claim it to be yours. Write your own. Plus, mine is not very good.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Happy New Year ! :)

I know I’m late but as the quote goes, better late than never!

So I’m off the hook ;)

By the way,


I like I like I like I like I like I like I like I like I like I like I like.

You like? no no no. I love I love I love I love I love <3

It 2012 this year, so the world might end? Well then you are a believer, go ahead and do amazing things.

In my point of view, end of the world or not, you should always do amazing things with your life. Keep it interesting (: Its very Good for the soul.

That’s it for me folks. If you happen to see me, do say Hi :)

Aa7EFuBCQAEcIQtCredits to Dania Edina

p.s: I forgot, from the previous post. This always happen. But I guess I’m the guy. I bet he doesn’t feel the same, oh well. HAHA. Pessimist.585305_700b_v1

Sparkles and Sparks <3

This is a tribute to the only person I know whom thinks “<3” means less than 3 (mathematically) . If you’re reading this and you are not sure what “<3” means, whomever you are, darling it is actually a heart shape okay? :)
Just in case you were wondering what a heart shape is.. Heart_by_xXLonging_HeartXx
William Butler Yeats once wrote “Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned” . How do you earn a heart? You do not because its part of the free will and people do what they choose with their will. Unfortunately , this post is not directed to contradict Mr. Yeats. Maybe some other time ;) This post is for Sparkles.
This is how we met;
Karate. From here, you should be able to conclude that he has seen me at my very, very worst. That was 2 years ago.
We use to talk on Skype until 4am but no, it never worked out even though I had a huge crush on him. I gave up. Mainly because I knew he liked someone else. No matter, I will tell you why I fell.
Its his eyes.
They’re so SPARKLY :O

Other than that, its his “the-very-laid-back-but-still-focus-and-determined” personality . I don’t know. He just has this dominance over me whenever he interacts with me. It almost as though his masculinity can be felt thru every aspect of interaction he has with me.
Okay. I don’t exactly know what I’m rambling about. I mean masculinity whats’ with that ? –.-“
So , I really do not feel like doing the girly confession of the why I like him. Dude, Common sense. Great personality, sparkly eyes, mixed and if you read my previous post click here (First and second line of the second paragraph). He fits me :D , amuses me, accepts me, defines me, completes me , amazes me, knows me and the list goes on and perhaps never ends.
I’ll just tell you a lil’ bit about him (:223662_262380990442694_100000123859165_1324946_3670616_n
He’s currently doing his Foundation in Physical Science at University Malaya. Smart boy, he is :D He doesn’t go to class much because he likes to sleep but I really hope even though that is his case, he will still score. Need to keep them parents happy y’know? :P
He wears specs by the way –-> 302225_309921402355319_100000123859165_1546535_1683121573_n
Sometimes when I’m hugging him, I feel like the world is at peace. Then I realise that its just his heartbeat. Its so calming .
Ignore the girl side of me. Its over – bearing sometimes . Forgive me for not have banished it long ago but I still have boobs you know. Okay I know. Lame.
In other news, He is a musician :D
392342_318251484855644_100000123859165_1588148_1496924384_n 263891_253404341340359_100000123859165_1282870_5286625_n
The Guitar and Piano are just a few of the countless instruments that he is able to play . He’s talented. I hope he knows that for a talent not known is a talent lost.
oh, I forgot to tell you one very important detail. He’s half Persian . You can start laughing now. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH . Okay stop. No, you’re wrong but you still may laugh. He is not a terrorist by the way , though
he can pull this look off –>
Hmm, What else shall I tell you , dear reader? You’re supposed to be bored to death by now.
oh look! Its the Flag of India :D Woopee!india flag

My mother likes him . okay last picture of him. If you can’t recognise him after reading this then you’re just plain blur or simply uncaring towards this subject which then I would have to ask you why you are still reading this. lol.
Taken at my house on my laptop :D I know camera sucks.Picture0002
I bet you’re reading this sparkles, and laughing your butt off –.- Laugh lah. You might never hear this from me so you might as well read it from me.
I did not tell you his name? Forget it. I’ll leave it up to your diligence in read the tags.

Picture0006 (2)My specs. You jelly? Muahaha
Have great week reader(s)! :D I love you :)
So keep reading! AHAHAHA (Publicity stint)