Saturday, October 8, 2011


Tired, even when asleep; I no longer find solace in sleep.

                               -Megat Othman Denney-

Some of you might wonder why I quote this particular guys’ words a lot. Thing is I can relate to his words. Be it taken from somewhere or his own.

I have not been sleeping easily lately. I have been having nightmares. The most odd nightmares would be about the virgin Mary, losing half a tooth and being buried alive.

You should know by now that i neither see the glass half filled or half empty.

I do not exactly like having dreams like these. They make me feel down-hearted and trodden all over. They make me , aside from my already conflagrant nature, really grumpy and unsociable. I keep quite and have a stare contest with any willing victim. For example : Farah Nadhirah. I just stared at her straight for 15 minutes before our Physics exam started.

Some, call it insomnia but the proper definition of insomnia is difficulty getting to sleep or staying asleep. I do stay asleep. I just wakeup feeling unrested. Hence , the quote.Awake_by_MAGICxMUFFIN

In the darkness, I awaken,

Crying at my thoughts ; forsaken,

What now? What then? What’s more?

Torturing me to my core.



Perhaps, these dreams will stop soon. If they do not, I might just go insane.

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