Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Persian made me do this.

Yes, yes, you read the title right. Someone had to make do a blog post. I’ve been busy lately with work and adjusting to it. Not quite there yet though. Proof , is that :

1. I’m writing this on my off day

2. I’m not taking part in the kereta api sarong flash mob because I was too tired to change my off day.

3. I’ve only read the newspaper once this week and I missed my favourite comic strip, Zits, more than I should.

4. I’ve constantly became tired after work. Unlike my co-workers who still can go lepak after work.

Are those enough proof for you? :P Well, you’ll have to be content with them for now.

Here’s the latest news update from Hayani Wide News Sdn Bhd. 

I’m currently working at Dome Cafe. I applied to be a Barista but as we all know, I have never had coffee in my life (except haritu when abang syafiq lied and told me that it was hot chocolate, it tasted bad) Thus, I have absolutely no idea how to make coffee! HAHA. So, I’ve to train first. Meanwhile, I serve as a waitress :D So far, my sifu , Abang Syafiq, has taught me how to make all of the drinks in the tea menu except for the chai latte :)


oh oh oh ! I can also make Cappucino but my foam is horrible. We can’t serve horribly foamed cappuccino to customers can we? :)

Other than that, I now know how to make the perfect mocha and fruit salad, and its awesome!

Sure, it takes up 90% of my time but its fun working there. A real experience and that’s what I wanted. To mingle with these people would be hard for some because they’re from very different backgrounds than our middle and high class city folks. My point of view however is that we should know and understand these people as much as we understand our self. Then and only then will we able to live in absolute peace, because we accept one another and understand what each other want.

I’ll post up pictures of them soon :)


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