Just in case you were wondering what a heart shape is..
William Butler Yeats once wrote “Hearts are not had as a gift but hearts are earned” . How do you earn a heart? You do not because its part of the free will and people do what they choose with their will. Unfortunately , this post is not directed to contradict Mr. Yeats. Maybe some other time ;) This post is for Sparkles.
This is how we met;
Karate. From here, you should be able to conclude that he has seen me at my very, very worst. That was 2 years ago.
We use to talk on Skype until 4am but no, it never worked out even though I had a huge crush on him. I gave up. Mainly because I knew he liked someone else. No matter, I will tell you why I fell.
Its his eyes.
They’re so SPARKLY :O
Other than that, its his “the-very-laid-back-but-still-focus-and-determined” personality . I don’t know. He just has this dominance over me whenever he interacts with me. It almost as though his masculinity can be felt thru every aspect of interaction he has with me.
Okay. I don’t exactly know what I’m rambling about. I mean masculinity whats’ with that ? –.-“
So , I really do not feel like doing the girly confession of the why I like him. Dude, Common sense. Great personality, sparkly eyes, mixed and if you read my previous post click here (First and second line of the second paragraph). He fits me :D , amuses me, accepts me, defines me, completes me , amazes me, knows me and the list goes on and perhaps never ends.
I’ll just tell you a lil’ bit about him (:
He’s currently doing his Foundation in Physical Science at University Malaya. Smart boy, he is :D He doesn’t go to class much because he likes to sleep but I really hope even though that is his case, he will still score. Need to keep them parents happy y’know? :P
He wears specs by the way –->
Sometimes when I’m hugging him, I feel like the world is at peace. Then I realise that its just his heartbeat. Its so calming .
Ignore the girl side of me. Its over – bearing sometimes . Forgive me for not have banished it long ago but I still have boobs you know. Okay I know. Lame.In other news, He is a musician :D
The Guitar and Piano are just a few of the countless instruments that he is able to play . He’s talented. I hope he knows that for a talent not known is a talent lost.
oh, I forgot to tell you one very important detail. He’s half Persian . You can start laughing now. AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH . Okay stop. No, you’re wrong but you still may laugh. He is not a terrorist by the way , though
he can pull this look off –>
Hmm, What else shall I tell you , dear reader? You’re supposed to be bored to death by now.
My mother likes him . okay last picture of him. If you can’t recognise him after reading this then you’re just plain blur or simply uncaring towards this subject which then I would have to ask you why you are still reading this. lol.
Taken at my house on my laptop :D I know camera sucks.
I bet you’re reading this sparkles, and laughing your butt off –.- Laugh lah. You might never hear this from me so you might as well read it from me.
I did not tell you his name? Forget it. I’ll leave it up to your diligence in read the tags.
Have great week reader(s)! :D I love you :)
So keep reading! AHAHAHA (Publicity stint)
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